Indigenous Initiatives Resource

What is the Power of a Name

The Power of a Name film series examines contested histories of naming at UBC

“The Power of a Name” is a film series that examines the contested history of naming practices at UBC’s first year student residence, Totem Park, and features stories of relationships between UBC and Indigenous communities.

TLEF update, and introducing Mathew Andreatta, one of our Time and Place student assistants
Time and Place at UBC receives TLEF project grant!

Time and Place at UBC receives TLEF project grant!

We are pleased to announce that Time and Place at UBC: Our Histories and Relations, has received a Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) project grant.

Time and Place at UBC: Our Histories and Relations

A new online educational resource documents UBC’s key historical moments with Aboriginal peoples, while locating these moments in broader contexts at UBC, BC, and Canada.