What are our responsibilities as guests on Musqueam territory?

This is a guest blog post by FNIS Practicum Student, Victoria Cooke, who is currently recruiting survey participants for her research project until March 5th. Please read more, share information about the surveys, and take the survey to show your support for Victoria’s research.

My name is Victoria Cooke, and I am a fourth-year First Nations and Indigenous Studies practicum student working with the Indigenous Initiatives team at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) at UBC on a research project to inform the development of educational resources on Indigenous topics for the UBC teaching and learning community. I have developed two surveys in consultation with CTLT Indigenous Initiatives: the first is for International students and English as Additional Language students to help gauge their previous knowledge and ongoing interest in Indigenous topics at UBC; and the second is for faculty and staff who work with these students to find out interests, needs, and capacities for supporting this learning.

The surveys will serve as the starting point to develop new educational resources available to the entire teaching and learning community to engage with Indigenous histories and contemporary perspectives at UBC. By participating in the surveys, students, faculty, and staff will be helping to contribute to a campus climate that is more aware of our relationship with and responsibility to the Musqueam Nation, and Indigenous peoples across Canada.

Both of the surveys are intended to be optional and anonymous. However, if participants are open to being contacted by CTLT Indigenous Initiatives regarding future projects related to this or other topics, they may provide their contact information in the text box provided at the end each survey. Doing so will not compromise the anonymity of participants’ survey results as any contact information collected will be stored and reorganized separately from the survey responses to ensure it cannot be connected with their responses.

For more information regarding participation in this project, please see the attached documents or contact Janey Lew.

Take the survey(s) by following the links below! (UPDATE: SURVEYS ARE NOW CLOSED!)

Survey for International Student and EAL Learners – THANK YOU! SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED.

This survey is 15 questions long and will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

READ the recruitment and information letter for this survey

Survey for Faculty and Staff who work with International and EAL students – THANK YOU! SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED.

This survey is 10 questions long and will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

READ the recruitment and information letter for this survey.

Thank you for your feedback and support!
Victoria Cooke and Janey Lew