Strategic Partnerships & Ongoing Work

The depth of strategic work within CTLT Indigenous Initiatives would not be possible without ongoing relationships with individuals and units who continue to lead and inform Indigenous engagement at UBC and in other communities. The partnerships that inform our work include connections to academic units such as the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies, centres of research, dialogue and support such as the the Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre (IRSHDC), and the Indigenous Research Support Initiative (IRSI) and Indigenous community leadership from Musqueam and other partners.

CTLT Indigenous Initiatives cross reports to leadership at the First Nations House of Learning and the Senior Advisor to the President on Indigenous Affairs. The relationships and accountability structures built throughout these units and portfolios ensure the work we are doing at CTLT Indigenous Initiatives is aligned with strategic and institutional priority areas.

The work that the Indigenous Initiatives Team continues to cultivate, grounds the approach and direction of the Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning Team. Anti-racist and solidarity work at UBC would not be possible without the breadth and scope of foundational work that our Indigenous colleagues have built and the partnerships that have been woven throughout the years. The A-RTL team also builds collaborative relationships with key units on campus who support anti-racism initiatives.