Truth and Reconciliation at UBC: Learning About the Past and Present to Transform the Future
Learn about engagement opportunities that resulted from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) National Event.
Truth and Reconciliation at UBC
Learn more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Truth and Reconciliation at UBC: Confronting Our Legacies
Sarah Ling shares her reflection on the UBC Truth and Reconciliation Commission Student Conference held on April 5, 2013.
Aboriginal Initiatives: Classroom Climate Series
Learn more about this year-long series, which combines mini-class lectures, interactive group activities, and one-on-one discussions.
Aboriginal (Un)History Month: Using Film to Create Dialogue at UBC
Maryel Sparks Cardinal discusses how her film course project raised awareness of Aboriginal history, and encouraged dialogue.
Supporting Aboriginal Students
At a recent Classroom Climate: Aboriginal Initiatives workshop, discussions arouse around how to best orient Aboriginal students to UBC.
Critical Thinking and Representation in Student Writing
As part of the series on Classroom Climate: Aboriginal Initiatives, Dr. Dory Nason presented a workshop specifically geared towards getting students to understand how to ethically represent the experiences of Aboriginal peoples.
Capacity-building for Discussing Aboriginal Topics in the Classroom
At a CTLT Institute session, Amy Perreault and Erin Hanson introduced two of their most recent research projects: What I Learned in Class Today and Indigenous Foundations.
10th Annual UBC Learning Conference – Afternoon Sessions
Picking up from the morning sessions at the 10th Annual UBC Learning Conference, the afternoon sessions opened up a discussion on the ways to get involved in campus sustainability at UBC, the vision and values of Aboriginal Engagement at UBC, a summary of the World Café discussions which took place prior to the conference, and closing remarks.