Listening to the 2023 Teaching Practices Survey: Consultations and Stewarding Good Relations
Every four years, UBC faculty and those with teaching appointments are invited to participate in the Teaching Practices Survey (TPS).
Listening to the 2023 Teaching Practices Survey: Integrating Indigenous Topics
Every four years, UBC faculty and those with teaching appointments are invited to participate in the Teaching Practices Survey (TPS).
Renewed What I Learned in Class Today: Facilitation Guide & Toolkit in Practice
We are excited to announce the launch of the Renewed What I Learned in Class Today (WILICT): Facilitation Guide & Toolkit!
Hello from the Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning Team!
We are so excited to share in the launch of our new cohort program, Applying Anti-Racist Pedagogy In the Classroom (AA-RPC), being delivered in-person this June at UBC Vancouver campus!