Making space for LGBTQIA students
Dr. Katja Thieme and Dr. Mary Ann S. Saunders explored ways to create a more inclusive campus for students of all genders and sexual orientations.
What if we were to talk about it? Engaging controversial topics in the classroom
Dr. Aftab Erfan, Director of Dialogue and Conflict Engagement at the UBC Equity and Inclusion Office, facilitated a workshop to explore conflict and how to engage with controversial classroom topics.
Muslim literacy workshop explores and challenges narratives
On November 9, UBC staff, faculty, and students were invited to discuss and deconstruct narratives about Muslims and marginalized communities.
NAISA Lunch & Learn explores Indigenous Initiatives
From June 22 to 24, UBC co-hosted the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) 9th annual conference.
Integrating Indigenous knowledges in teaching: When will we be ready?
On May 2 the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology held a panel discussion on integrating Indigenous content and perspectives in the classroom. The event brought together five settler scholars from departments across the university to share their experiences and to discuss, “When will we be ready?”
Classroom Climate Series: Campus Climate
We’ve rescheduled one of our sessions, “Addressing Campus Climate in Your Classroom” for November 3, 10AM-12PM, and hope this change in time will encourage more of you to register and attend this important workshop!
Indigenous Initiatives Open House – Thank you!
It was a treat to have a full house for a demonstration of the c̓əsnaʔəm educator’s toolkit by members of the Musqueam Language and Culture Department: elder Larry Grant, Jill Campbell, and Vanessa Campbell.
Classroom Climate Series: Territory Acknowledgment
What goes into a territory/land acknowledgement and what are the things we can each think about to engage responsibly in this practice?
Workshop explores ways of supporting Indigenous students at UBC
Karlene Harvey, who joined Aboriginal Student Affairs in 2015, offers both cultural and academic support to students at the UBC Vancouver campus.
Musqueam Artist Shares Research, Cultural Practices, and Oral Histories
Musqueam community member and artist Morgan Guerin shared and discussed Musqueam culture, history, and his contribution to the exhibit cəsnaʔəm, the city before the city.